Name: Alli Echelman
Nicknames: Al
Current city & state: Brooklyn, NY
Business name & year founded: Calin New York, 2017
I started my business to: Empower women to express their evolving style
3 words I use to describe my/Calin NYC's style: Thoughtful, eclectic, sophisticated
I know it's weird but: I love eating breakfast for dinner
My favorite thing about being an entrepreneur is: Being my own boss and meeting
so many other amazing founders!
My last big learning lesson was: That not everyone is going to agree with your
decisions but you have to ultimately do what’s right for you. I’m a major people pleaser,
but at the end of the day, I’m the one who ends up in the life that I build for myself.
The best advice I've ever received: Always trust your gut
My biggest guilty pleasure is: Watching Mamma Mia—it’s my favorite feel good movie
My current mantra: “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground”-Teddy
If I had to eat one food for the rest of my life it'd be: I could eat pizza all day
Bucket list destination or activity: I’m dying to go to Iceland
My top 3 tips for an aspiring designer and entrepreneur:
It’s inevitable that you’re going to encounter setbacks, but that doesn’t mean
you’ve failed--it just means you have to pivot -
Celebrate the small wins. It’s so easy to get caught up with what’s next without
acknowledging everything you’ve already accomplished -
Overthinking things can be the death of a great idea, especially if it’s out of the
box. Sometimes you just have to take a leap and go for it
"Overthinking things can be the death of a great idea, especially if it's out of the box. Sometimes you just have to take a leap and go for it." -Allie Echelman
Did you love learning more about Alli and have more questions about fashion, business or life? Comment below and connect with Alli at @CalinNYC or