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Seamless Episode 11 | Miss Sunshine: Manifesting Your Destiny with Reina Pomeroy of Reina + Co

Posted by Seamless Podcast on

We sit down for a talk about business changes and coaching with Reina Pomeroy, the founder of Reina and Co. and the co-founder of Creative Empire Podcast. Reina is a big proponent of living a full and productive life, lived by “our own rules.” We get into her passion for helping others thrive, and how she personally handles setbacks. For more tips and inspiration for your life and creative business of your dreams, visit Reina and Co’s website to sign up for weekly Sunshine Mail!

What we chat about:

-What the transition like from Social Worker to Wedding Planner, then to Business Coach (2:45)
-What her coaching trajectory has looked like (4:42)
-How coaching creates intangible things, but also huge results (5:55)
-How collaboration works for Reina + Co. and how she is a "connector" (8:19)
-How Reina deals with business struggles and vulnerability in her community (12:35)
-Why "authenticity" can feel icky for her (15:27)
-Goalsetting and her book, The Big Plan for the Creative Mind (17:20)
-What Seamless means to Reina (19:39)

Links we refer to:

- Social Glue
- Coffee Chats
- The Big Plan for the Creative Mind Book
- Dannie Fountain

Reina Pomeroy‘s Bio:

Reina Pomeroy is the founder of Reina + Co, the Life + Biz Success Coaching® practice for creatives who are right brained and heart centered. She helps women who have a million brilliant ideas in their heads that they can’t seem to make happen. She helps them to stop spinning their wheels and take action on what’s most important so they can become the go-to expert in their field. Reina is also the co-host of the Creative Empire Podcast where she gets to interview leaders in the creative industry.

You can find Reina’s work featured on Entrepreneur on Fire, Entrepreneur.com, Brit + Co, The Huffington Post, Honeybook, The Rising Tide Society and Best Friends for Frosting. She also travels around the country speaking and educating creative entrepreneurs.
Reina has her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Master’s degree in Social Work and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) from the Coach Training Institute and the International Coaching Federation. Currently, she lives in a suburb of Washington, DC with her 3 year old son, puppy and Marine husband.

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