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Episode 7 | Leadership: Lady On A Mission with Laura Nestler

Posted by Seamless Podcast, Duolingo on

Laura Nestler knows a thing or two about achieving a work/life balance, and it's because she's blended the two together. Seamlessly.

Prior to her current position as Director of Community at Duolingo, Laura worked with both Yelp and HoneyBook, connecting costumers around the globe with these companies' products. She designed the infrastructure that allowed Yelp to jump off internationally so that you can search for that perfect day spa while abroad with your in-laws.

Nestler is also responsible for assisting with HoneyBook's partnership with The Rising Tide Society, which connects creative entrepreneurs internationally with the resources they need to build their businesses.

In this episode, BF intern Nicole Fallert speaks with Nestler about leadership, the power of language and always asking yourself one question: "Why?"

You can follow Laura on Instagram @lauranestler and Nicole @nflrt6789. Got questions or comments about Seamless? Email partnerships@burgundyfox.com.

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