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5 Easy Ways To Practice Self Care This Week

Posted by Burgundy Fox on

When was the last time you took care of your personal needs? If your answer isn’t today, then you really need to start prioritizing taking care of yourself, even if you have so many other items on your to-do list.

Self care has several proven benefits for your physical and mental health:

  • Improves your physical health
  • Relieves stress
  • Strengthens your relationship with yourself
  • Calms your energy

If you want to live a stress free life, then self-care is an essential aspect in doing so! Today we’re sharing 5 easy ways to practice self care THIS week!

Let’s get into it:

1. Do Something You Enjoy

Start making time for the things you genuinely enjoy doing. Whether it’s reading, listening to music, meditating, or going for a walk in the sunshine. Start small by scheduling in some time to help you unwind.

2. Take Mental Health Days

If you “literally can’t” today, then don’t! We really encourage you to not be afraid of taking a mental health day. Disconnect from social media or skip class/work so you can recharge.

3. Spend Time With Yourself

When you spend time with yourself, you deepen your relationship and love for yourself. This is so important to really taking care of you, so sit back and reflect, journal, or enjoy the quiet around you.

4. Find A Hobby

Do you have a hobby that you’re super passionate about? If so, take time to do it! Hobbies allow you to channel your energy and preserve your mental health.

5. Treat Yo’self

Girl, eat that cookie or go get that ice cream. Buy yourself some sexy lingerie that you’ve been eyeing for a month. If you’re interested, we have a beginner’s guide to lingerie shopping that you can find HERE. You need to allow yourself one “treat moment” a week, at minimum!!

Because we LOVE self care, here are some extra ideas that are so simple to implement:

  • Take a relaxing bath.
  • Deep-condition your hair.
  • Deep-clean your pores.
  • Pamper your feet.
  • Nourish your skin.
  • Pain your nails.
  • Get a massage.

In addition to pampering and treating yourself, you can also practice self care by making healthy lifestyle choices by consuming a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep!

So what are your favorite ways of practicing self care? Comment below or connect with us on Instagram (@burgundyfoxco) letting us know!

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